November 2 2024

Amazon’s decision to decommission Kindle Vella is bittersweet news. On the one hand, it’s sad to say goodbye to Vella. It gave me the opportunity to step outside of my comfort zone and fight the voices behind me since childhood, saying that I wasn’t good enough, and that I could never do this. It allowed me to grow as an artist and become comfortable with myself as an artist.

I am embracing this change. I am seizing it as an opportunity to move forward as an artist. For you, my readers, which will mean a few things.

First, although Vella will be live in its current form until February 2025, I cannot in good conscience ask you to buy more tokens or ask you to follow my stories on my existing schedule. I will commit to finishing Indigo Creek on the platform and was already preparing to announce that it was approaching the last episode. Originally, that was going to be Episode 50. Because of these changes, I have retooled my notes and existing drafts for the remaining episodes to complete the story in a single episode. Episode 44 will be available on November 8th.

Thank you all for the support you have given me at this point in my journey. I couldn’t have done this without you. For more information on the decommissioning of Kindle Vella, Amazon has provided a FAQ.

What does the future hold? Only time will tell. I will share that I have more stories in me, so I am not done. Be on the lookout for future projects. I have one story that I was planning to release to Vella as a short twenty episode special and was nearly ready to publish when I got the news last week. Be sure to to sign up to receive emails from me and follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Threads if you don’t already…because that’s just the beginning.

I also have been planning to do an overhaul and revision of all my stories on Vella, revising the published episodes and potentially adding new content. That will not happen now, in Vella at least, and although you will keep access to the stories as they are now, complete and in their original form, I will release all three as newly revised full-length novels. I am targeting having Unchained completed and available in e-book and print in the first half of 2025. I would love to have all three done, along with the two NEW books I am working on by the end of 2025, but alas, there is only so much time and I can make no promises.

I will continue to work on them, and you will get them. That is my commitment to you. I am looking forward to the next phase of this journey together with you.
